Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Do or do not. There is no try"

"Do or do not. There is no try" is a quote from one of my favorite movie series. That saying in itself, could not be more accurate to daily life. So often we say, "Well, I'll try". I've learned over the years that "I'll try" is an excuse not to do your best. It's a precursor for failure. If you say "I'll try" no one will hold you accountable if you fail. You will not hold yourself accountable if you fail.

We have to get into the mindset of actually doing what we say we are going to do. If you tell a co-worker, a family member, a friend, "I'll do that for you", then do it. Your word is your bond (bond = promise). Take accountability for your actions, your decision making and ultimately your success and failures. If you make the effort and fail, be proud in the fact that you gave your all. If you make the effort and succeed, enjoy knowing you have accomplished the task at hand and continue to move forward.

Believe it or not, success starts with having the right mindset. If you tell yourself, you are not going to do well, chances are you are not going to do well. If you say, I'm going to past this test or I'm going to get this job, then you will. I'm not saying there aren't going to obstacles, because there will be. I'd like to reference Michael Jordan. The man many of us consider to be the greatest basketball player ever. This man was cut from his high school basketball team. If his mindset would have been, "well, I tried", there is no telling if we would even have an NBA today.

Condition your mind that you can do it. That you can make it. The road isn't always easy. There will be struggles, but make up your mind that you will make it. That you will succeed..."Just do it"!

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